Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cross the Way #2

Similar scene today down at Cross the Way. The course proved to be MUCH better in reverse. Faster, twistier and easier. Ripped off the start in the lead, through most of the first lap I rocked it in front with a little lead. Second half of the course was a lot tougher/slower. Drifted back to 5th, got into a back and forth with a rider from Alabama. He was stronger but the course had a bunch of corners that required mad skills so I'd pull him back in or ride away in those sections. With about 4 laps to go he came by me and said something about how I was handling the shit out of my bike. I passed him on the front half but he got me back at the top of the back half and rode away. That was it. Three laps out in space and the suffering was over. The course really was super in this direction. Yesterday all the corners were uphill and didn't really demand any skills, today was the opposite. I was happy about that.

I bailed on the second race. I won't apologize. The other Single Speed riders gave me shit but I was sick and tired. Best part, Melissa and Brian insisted on giving me my $5 back. I wanted it to be for the cause but they didn't want to take it so I spent it on Taco Bell which was far and away the worst decision I've ever made. I've been sick all afternoon and I tried to go to sleep and couldn't cause I was sick. I hate you Taco Bell. You're evil. I'm a fool for being lured in by your purple sign but you're evil.

1 comment:

Ed said...

I almost stopped at the taco bell in springfield on the way home on Sunday. Glad I didn't!
Good racing this weekend.