Monday, October 4, 2010

Week (Weak?)

It's been a week since my last post, mostly because I'm trying to not just puke a bunch of nonsense onto this page, but also because there's basically nothing going on noteworthy.  Well, maybe there is, let's see, shall we?

- Last week was IBMA week.  For those of you who don't know, IBMA used to be a huge bluegrass party, now it's just a small one.  We partied in one room, all week, every night, till like 6 am.  Tons of music, great new bands, check out Milk Drive:

and Roustabout. Really killer music all the way around. We even got in some impromptu showcasing, here's our "band" Heady Festy feat. LARF playing in the Acoustic Trail room.  This is basically a dream band with Falco on guitar, Panda on banjo, Dennis Ludiker on Fiddle and Dominic Leslie on Mando.  Sarah's lurking in the corner as well.

- So while all that was going on, I was getting no sleep, drinking heavily and basically taking poor care of myself.  I got out for a short ride then honed in my course at Charlotte Park.  There's more dirt, more technical aspects and more speed this year.  I took the weedeater, the rake and mower out and made a full lap with the mower.  Today when it warms up I'll head out there and take a few hot laps, see how the new layout feels.  Might even take a few pictures...

- Still waiting to build the Single Speed which also means I'm still waiting to shoot photos of "the crack."  As soon as that's all up and about, you'll know.

- The Festy is this weekend.  Three days of music, outdoors and beer in the hills of Virginia.  Tickets are cheap, the lineup is ridiculous and it has something for anyone that would find themselves reading this blog.  We've been preparing for our festival for a year now and it's upon us.  Cyclocross race next year, this year you'll have to be content with a run or mountain bike race.  The Revivalist blog did an interview with me about the Festy.  Check it out

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