Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kindling Stone/Blue Heron

Sometimes days unfold in unexpected ways, presenting opportunities and experiences that could not have been imagined days before. Chris Moore's songs and the arrangements of Kindling Stone have a way of reminding me of this. Sarah and I left the house today at 9:40am and headed to WPLN, Nashville's public radio station to play live on Studio C, a weekly music program. Load the car, dodge traffic, arrive on time and soundcheck. Quick de-briefing by the shows host and we were off. No matter how I try, I rarely feel completely prepared for gigs, even with my own band. Mistakes were made, time ran short, but overall the experience was rewarding. Sarah and I loaded
the car back up and walked across the parking lot to the wetlands bordering the studio and there, hunting in the shallows was a Great Blue Heron. The heron, in all it's prehistoric glory is generally regarded by me as a good sign. Especially so on this day as my favorite Kindling Stone song is in fact, Blue Heron. "Who is it here in my canoe...?"

Steroid shots for my poison ivy seem to be working, though they've left me more agitated than usual. The sun is finally peeking out, Nashville was starting to feel more like Portland and not for the right reasons. In fact, I need to get outside while the sun is still shining and cut the yard. Possibly even work to hack down the "shrubs" that have grown in the wake of my yard neglect. As the sun grows brighter, the lure of the yard grows stronger. Until tomorrow...


BirdNerd said...

Herons are truly elegant birds. However, the term "blue heron" isn't descriptive enough to describe the bird you saw since both Great Blue Herons (thats what you saw) and Little Blue Herons (pic: http://www.leeparks.org/sixmile/Images/photogallery/largepics/Birds/little-blue-heron-in-water.jpg)inhabit Tennessee.

Booksy said...

Fascinating. I'll edit my post.