This is Ed, Panda and Myself on top of Lone Peak just before dropping in on the Big Couloir. It was the only 4 hour window the clouds cleared the entire weekend and we took advantage by skiing the Big. I'm not a great skier, not yet, at least, so I was in over my head but I managed to survive.
This is a shot of Lone Peak and the Big Couloir taken from across the valley by a friend a little later that same morning. Pretty sweet.
Six days later I ended up at Utah's Powder Mountain with my man Casey. We rode low angle aspen trees all day. It mostly looked like this.
The very next day we ended up at Brighton and I hit one of those things hard on the first run of the day. Snow was a little lighter than I thought I guess. Broke some stuff. So the Ski Tour ground to a halt, which is a real shame because I had a day at Park City, two days at Wolf Creek, two days at Loveland and at least one other day lined up before the end of the season. In rehab mode now, waiting for the break and the mcl to heal. The leg is actually hurting more now since I'm using it and the bone is just about fused. Can't get surgery on the ACL until all that other stuff heals so Sarah and I are still doing our Duo Tour in Colorado. It'll be heartbreaking to be out there with all the great snow and no way to ride it but at least I won't be in a bed in TN. Expecting a full recovery, though, this has brought into question the lengths at which I'll go to have a good time. I'm glad I hit the Big when I did because I kinda doubt I'll ever do it again. Don't think I would ever do it differently, though.